June 28, 2012

ungainly laughter

O generation of the thoroughly smug       
and thoroughly uncomfortable,
I have seen fishermen picnicking in the sun,
I have seen them with untidy families,
I have seen their smiles full of teeth
and heard ungainly laughter.
And I am happier than you are,
And they were happier than I am;
And the fish swim in the lake
and do not even own clothing.

- Ezra Pound - Salutation


The German fairytale castles are remembering me being a kid reading fairytale books in bed. Where good and evil are clear and there was always a happy end to stories. Life is simple and you know were you stand as a character. Sometimes I like black and white, where shades of grey feel confusing and restless..

May 21, 2010

Nicolette memory # 8447

[café][broken heart][day trip with a lover][Caños de Mecca][junio 2009]

February 18, 2010

Eva memory #121

[sziget festival] [wurst] [Buddhapest] [august 2009]

February 11, 2010

Nicolette memory #583

[the hummingbird bakery][kitchen][birthday][Madrid][january 2010]

January 30, 2010

Eva memory #333

[birthday] [buddhapest] [august 2009]

January 22, 2010

Eva memory # 746

[father][daughter][Amsterdam][january 2009]